Chalk River Canyon Run

Yee Haw!


This single-player or multiplayer horse race through Chalk River Canyon will give players a chance to use and train their SmartNFT horses while racing against each other and try to survive the elements and all the dangers that the Chalk River Canyon trail has for them.

Chalk River: Canyon Run (CCR) will be playable on mobile phone devices giving it a very large player base and low barrier to entry.

Game Tokenomics

General Breakdown

- There will be a free-to-play version, in which to P2E option not is available

- To participate in P2E players must pay a small fixed $VDT fee. The fee will go into the pool of $VDT of all the players of CCR in the same fixed time slot. The total amount of $VDT collected in the timeslot will be divided amongst the top 10 ranked players in that time slot.

Gold Dust

  • Winners & Losers will also earn "x" amount of Gold Dust per game. Amount to be determined during Beta testing.

Experience Points (XP)

Players will earn XP points playing the Play-to-Earn version of CCR that can be allocated to their DynamicNFTs

* currently under production scheduled for release in Q1 2023

Last updated