On the Dodge

Hiding out in the old abandoned Summer farmhouse


A fun single-person shooting gallery that gives gamers a chance to hone their skills and compete against high scores of other quick draw shooters to earn from the $VDT pool. As you prepare for the big raid on Chalk River, you need to get your aim on point. On the Dodge allows you to practice your craft as you steer clear of the law. On the Dodge (OTD) is playable on mobile phone devices giving it a very large player base and low barrier to entry.

Game Tokenomics

General Breakdown

- There will be a free-to-play version, in which to P2E option not is available - To participate in P2E players must pay a small fixed $VDT fee. The fee will go into the pool of $VDT of all the players of OTD in the same fixed time slot. The total amount of $VDT collected in the timeslot will be divided amongst.

Gold Dust

  • Winners & Losers will also earn "x" amount of Gold Dust per game. Amount to be determined during Beta testing.

Experience Points (XP)

Players earn XP points playing the Play-to-Earn version of OTD that can be allocated to their DynamicNFT

* Free-to-Play version is available in Beta. P2E version under production scheduled for release in Q3 2022

Last updated